How to cancel automatic renewal?

IOS users, to cancel the automatic renewal, must manually turn off the automatic renewal in iTunes/Apple ID settings at least 24 hours before the expiration time of their subscription. You can cancel it in iCloud payments, Settings iTunes Store & App Store – Apple ID – View Apple ID – Account – Subscription, find our app, and close.

For Android users, to cancel the automatic renewal, please manually turn off the automatic renewal in Google Play Store settings at least 24 hours before the expiration time of your subscription. You can cancel it in Play Store payments, Mine – Subscription, find our App, and close.

Please note that if you cancel within 24 hours before your service expires, you will still be charged for the next subscription period. The subscription service will end at the end of the next subscription period.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but currently, our app does not support canceling automatic renewal subscriptions directly within the app. By canceling your subscription through Apple Pay and Google Pay, you can conveniently manage your subscriptions and have control over your billing preferences.

To cancel your automatic renewal subscription, please follow these steps:

For iOS users (Apple Pay):

Open the Settings app on your device.

Scroll down and tap on Apple ID.

Tap on Subscriptions.

Locate the subscription you want to cancel and select it.

Choose the Cancel Subscription option and follow the prompts to confirm your cancellation.

For Android users (Google Pay):

Open the Google Play Store app on your device.

Tap the Menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top-left corner.

Select Subscriptions from the menu.

Find the subscription you wish to cancel and tap on it.

Tap Cancel Subscription and confirm your cancellation when prompted.

Will I still have access to the app’s premium features after canceling my subscription?

If you cancel your automatic renewal subscription, your access to the app’s premium features will remain active until the end of the current billing period. After that, the subscription will no longer renew, and your access to premium features will be discontinued. However, you will still be able to use the app’s free features and content.

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