How do I know if my device supports Motion Tracking?

Understanding Motion Tracking

Motion Tracking is a high-tech feature that allows your security camera to detect and follow movement within its viewing range. However, please note that this feature is not available for all our models.

For now, only our plug-in camera models support Motion Tracking. These models are directly powered from an electrical outlet, providing the necessary power to handle the computational needs of Motion Tracking. On the other hand, our battery-powered cameras, designed for their power efficiency and longevity, do not currently support this advanced feature.

How to Check If Your Device Supports Motion Tracking

Look for “Motion Tracking” on the Motion Detection Page on Our App: The fastest way to check if your device supports motion tracking is by navigating to the Motion Detection page in our app. If the “Motion Tracking” option is present, your device is capable of supporting this feature.

If you require further assistance or have any queries about your device and its features, we are always here to help. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us by submitting feedback directly from our app or emailing us at [email protected].

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