Device reports “WiFi SSID not found”

If the camera reports a “Wi-Fi SSID not found” error when you connect it:

  1. The camera only supports 2.4GHz Wi-Fi. Please make sure to connect the camera to 2.4GHz Wi-Fi.
  2. Please make sure that the Wi-Fi signal exists and works. You can try to connect the Wi-Fi to your phone. If you can normally browse the Internet, it means that Wi-Fi works.
  3. The error may be caused by the camera being too far away from the Wi-Fi router. Please place the camera near the Wi-Fi router or as close to the Wi-Fi router as possible.
  4. It is recommended that the Wi-Fi SSID (name) not contain special characters or be too long. If the Wi-Fi SSID (name) contains special characters or is too long, please try to simplify the Wi-Fi SSID (name) and try again.

In addition, you can also try rebooting the camera to add it back to the WiFi network.

If the camera reports nothing or you are still unable to connect the camera to your 2.4GHz WiFi network after trying the listed solutions, please contact us from the app for further technical assistance.

If possible, please provide the support team with the following information to resolve the issue in a timely manner:

  • The serial number of the camera.
  • A short video showing the WiFi connection process.
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